Write some words about you and your blog here

More Google Suggestions

I type "Is it safe to"
Google Says: travel to mexico
drink milk after its expiration date
eat peanut butter
dye your hair while pregnant

I type "Why Do"
Google Says: men have nipples
cats purr
men cheat
we celebrate St. Patricks Day

I type "Am I"
Google Says: a vampire
a good kisser
a loser
a democrat or republican

I type "Why do I"
Good Says: fart so much
indians smell
sweat so much
have no friends


Tristen Adams said...

Haha, this is hilarious. Searches like this often yield ridiculous results.

Yetha GetgetGeTtTgTit 100 said...

haha yeah this is funny its just like three brothers

James said...

the second one is my favorite. Do men have nipples? haha, it must be asked a lot to be the first auto-correct option

Tristen Adams said...

Haha, this is hilarious. Searches like this often yield ridiculous results.

Yetha GetgetGeTtTgTit 100 said...

haha yeah this is funny its just like three brothers

James said...

the second one is my favorite. Do men have nipples? haha, it must be asked a lot to be the first auto-correct option