Write some words about you and your blog here

And I bid you a very grateful farewell...

Hello everyone. This will be my last least for awhile. Who knows what htis blog will become in the future. Maybe I'll pick it up years from now and continue finding awesomely amazing, wierd shit online. I leave you with this amazing sand art video. It is indescribably beautiful and emotional. Ch Ch Check it out!!!


Yes, it just happened. It was odd, cold, and ridiculous; everything I had hoped for. Congratulations to all UVM students who participated!

My Last Post

I have been wondering what will become of Drag your feet as the semester winds down. Think of the possibilities, maybe Drag Your Feet 802 will be stumbled upone by some great blogger who will in turn pay Megan Josh and I for the name and all of its contents. Wishful thinking huh? Well no matter what happens it has been fun for me to find things that will keep people occupied. And in a way I was able to procrastinate for homework. For now though, I think I will put the power-blogging on hold. At least until I have time to update one regulalry, so long for now..

Blirpit UVM

Ever find yourself waiting at the bus stop for what seems like forever. Oh, and of course it is snowing, raining, or is unbearably windy. Ever catch yourself thinking, maybe it would be faster if I just walked? Well now you will know with UVM's Blirpit, follow the instructions below to be on your way to happy bus-riding.

Innovative Art

Heres another one for the records, you start again with a toliet paper role. Cut it very precisely...

and wha-la you are decoration for your home or patio.

It starts with a roll of toliet paper, and is transformed into...

A piece of art. I know you are thinking wait there is no way that is possible. But with patience, innovation and some artistic skill, these faces are created.

More Google Suggestions

I type "Is it safe to"
Google Says: travel to mexico
drink milk after its expiration date
eat peanut butter
dye your hair while pregnant

I type "Why Do"
Google Says: men have nipples
cats purr
men cheat
we celebrate St. Patricks Day

I type "Am I"
Google Says: a vampire
a good kisser
a loser
a democrat or republican

I type "Why do I"
Good Says: fart so much
indians smell
sweat so much
have no friends

Revenge Is Oh So Sweet

This photo along with many others here was not created using photoshop or any other photo editing program. It is an allusion of the eye, by simply using depth and camera angles. The photos on this website will provide you with humor and sometimes leave you asking, how did they do that?