Its always entertaining driving around neighborhoods this time of year and looking at the various exterior decorations on people's houses. My family has never been too wild and crazy when it comes to decorating, just a few lights in the windows and wreaths outside. I've thought that simplicity is best, and there is no need to over do it. My sister on the other hand, constantly battles with my parents, trying to get them to branch out and put up more decorations outside. They always pull the light bill card, "You just don't understand. Our light bill will go through the roof! Its not worth it. What we have is fine." And quite honestly it is.
Check out some of these houses. Have they over done it a bit? Or is my family just plain and boring?
I love seeing houses all lit up! Of course I'm not paying their electric bill though. My family never goes all out even though I'd love to.. but hey, gotta stay practical
You wonder if this year things will be toned down due to high electric bills. I doubt we will see many elaborate lights, but I hope. One of earliest memories of Christmas is driving around with my family looking at the homes that were lit up.
I liked the ginger bread looking house but all the other ones are just ridiculous and such an energy waister
I love seeing houses all lit up! Of course I'm not paying their electric bill though. My family never goes all out even though I'd love to.. but hey, gotta stay practical
You wonder if this year things will be toned down due to high electric bills. I doubt we will see many elaborate lights, but I hope. One of earliest memories of Christmas is driving around with my family looking at the homes that were lit up.
I liked the ginger bread looking house but all the other ones are just ridiculous and such an energy waister
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