Final Draft of Moving Essay
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on Wednesday, September 30, 2009
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Here it is! I would love to go back and maybe tweak and add things to it in the future. Although this is a "final" draft, I still view this as a work in progress. Enjoy!
So this is what people did in the 80s, before the creation of online dating... could you imagine how creepy it would be if people still did this? WEIRDDD!
The Power of Music...and Probably Drugs
Posted by
Josh Hammond
dance party,
Comments: (1)
During musician Santigold's set at the Sasquatch Musical Festival, fans seemed to really be digging her set...especially this one guy. Watch is this guy, probably under the influence of one or many drugs, as he starts his very own dance party. Whether people pity this guy or genuinely enjoy his dancing, there is no denying the beauty of this concept: Strangers spontaneously connecting in a joyous celebration. Ch ch check it out...
The Moustache Hall o' Fame
Posted by
Josh Hammond
hall of fame,
Comments: (2)
Due to my Swedish, Polish, and Lithuanian background, I have never been able to successfully grow a beard. I have blonde hair, so when it grows long enough, my face looks out of focus, rather than rugged. Anyways, check out this link and take a look at these guys who've had much more success than me in their beard growing ways. Some of these 'staches are RIDICULOUS.
Losing My Wisdom
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on Tuesday, September 29, 2009
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Having my wisdom teeth taken out was possibly one of the worst experiences of my life. My lower two teeth were growing horizontally, my top two were so far impacted the doctor punctured my nasal canal while taking them out. Not a pretty picture. And I'm sure it wasn't pleasant for any of you who have had them out either. Not to mention my mother was a drill sargent about icing and what to eat. Quite honestly I am glad she was like that. To put it all in perspective, I've brought back the infamous Taylor Swift singer to tell us about her wisdom removal experience. What is so entertaining about this girl anyway?
THE worst singer in the world
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I will flat out tell you that although I am a country fan, I am not a fan of Taylor Swift. I do feel bad for what happened to her at the VMAs, but that doesn't make me want to listen to her music. And this girl is just the icing on the cake for me...
Oh wait... It just gets better!
Laughing Babies...
I don't know why, but watching these make me laugh SO hard... and I think you will too.
I have to say I didn't find these on my own... many thanks to the person who sent them to me :)
Moving Essay. Rough Draft
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on Thursday, September 24, 2009
Comments: (3)
Note: No voice over, still making changes & adjustment, but here it what I have so far =)
Draft of Moving Essay
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I don't have any voice over yet, but here it is...
Posted by
Josh Hammond
on Wednesday, September 23, 2009
We've all stared at a fast food commercial, mouth watering, as a delicious, juicy cheeseburger flies across the screen, complete with all the fixings: crisp lettuce, juicy tomato, melting cheese, and a juicy burger, hugged by two plump, fresh buns. Enveloped with sudden hunger, we get in our cars and mindlessly drive to the nearest McDonald's. After passing through the drive-through window and collecting our steaming bag of food, we speed home, narrowly dodging other cars and the occasional child. After running inside, we unwrap the burger to discover a puny, wilted excuse of a meal. After reluctantly eating the food, we remind ourselves to never eat fast food again EVER...or at least until the next commercial.
Click HERE to view a collection of food advertisements paired with the actual offers given. It's not very shocking, but still a good laugh!
So Bad, They're Good: Worst Music Videos Ever
Posted by
Josh Hammond
armi ja danny,
david bowie,
heidi montag,
jan terri,
mick jagger,
music video,
music videos,
worst music videos ever,
Comments: (3)
I was skimming through channels the other day and I came across MTVU, a music video channel. While my musical preferences aren't usually aligned with the Gods of MTV, I came across a particularly terrible music video. The name and band slipped my mind, but seriously, some of the things that people consider avant garde nowadays are completely idiotic. Anyways, enough of my ranting. The music video made me wonder about other terrible concepts for videos. After a quick Google search of "worst music video ever", I stumbled upon this gem and I was NOT disappointed. The music is hokey, the clothes are hilarious, and the graphics are ridiculously dated. The dancing is pretty fly though. Beyonce and her single ladies better watch their backs. Ch Ch Check it out
Here are few of my personally favorite TERRIBLE music videos as well...
David Bowie and Mick Jagger- Dancing in the Streets
-At one point they sing face to face. You'd have to cut through all the sexual tension in that scene with a chainsaw. Also, nice Reebok aerobic shoes, Mick.
Heidi Montag- Higher
-Heidi Montag is the star of an MTV reality show. She's got plenty of cash. There is no reason this video should be as horrid as it is. Anyone reading this could recreate this video using a moderately hot chick and a Rent-A-Center video camera. Once you have that in place, just read the video camera instruction manual up to the "make people look like they're moving all herky-jerky like the monsters in The Grudge" section and your job is done. What a naturally beautiful voice she has!
Jan Terri- Losing You
Jan worked as a limo driver in Chicago and would give copies of the videos to her clients in an attempt to drum up interest in her fledgling singing career. A copy of the video eventually made its way to rocker Marilyn Manson, who was intrigued. He had Terri perform at one of his parties, and was impressed enough with her sincerity to allow her to open for one of his concerts. She actually makes better music than Manson sadly.
Here are few of my personally favorite TERRIBLE music videos as well...
David Bowie and Mick Jagger- Dancing in the Streets
-At one point they sing face to face. You'd have to cut through all the sexual tension in that scene with a chainsaw. Also, nice Reebok aerobic shoes, Mick.
Heidi Montag- Higher
-Heidi Montag is the star of an MTV reality show. She's got plenty of cash. There is no reason this video should be as horrid as it is. Anyone reading this could recreate this video using a moderately hot chick and a Rent-A-Center video camera. Once you have that in place, just read the video camera instruction manual up to the "make people look like they're moving all herky-jerky like the monsters in The Grudge" section and your job is done. What a naturally beautiful voice she has!
Jan Terri- Losing You
Jan worked as a limo driver in Chicago and would give copies of the videos to her clients in an attempt to drum up interest in her fledgling singing career. A copy of the video eventually made its way to rocker Marilyn Manson, who was intrigued. He had Terri perform at one of his parties, and was impressed enough with her sincerity to allow her to open for one of his concerts. She actually makes better music than Manson sadly.
Can You Believe We Live in this State...
Ch Ch Check out for, you guessed it, DUMB LAWS.
Here are some ridiculous and true laws from the past and present for the good ol' state of Vermont that we call home.
-Women must obtain written permission from their husbands to wear false teeth.
-At one time it was illegal to tie a giraffe to a telephone pole.
-It is illegal to deny the existence of God.
Also, in city laws, all citizens must bath every Saturday night in Barre, VT.
Click on your home state to find more crazy laws!
Also, in city laws, all citizens must bath every Saturday night in Barre, VT.
Click on your home state to find more crazy laws!
Face Your Fears, Ya'll
Posted by
Josh Hammond
face your fear,
Maury Povich,
Comments: (2)
Tuesday, October 13th is "National Face Your Fears Day". In preparation for this special day, I want all of you to think of something that is holding you back. The focus of National Face Your Fears Day are the most common fears that plague Americans today. The purpose of this event is to encourage people to discover more about themselves, their fears and what they can do about both. Yeah, whatever....just be glad you're not this girl
Thanks to reader laurax for sharing this video with us!!!
Thanks to reader laurax for sharing this video with us!!!
Confessions of a VTer...
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on Monday, September 21, 2009
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One of my second favorite things to watch is tractor pulls and demolition derbys. Imagine sitting at the county fair in 85 degree heat (which I did this summer) and watching tractors blow smoke and make loud noises.... ahhhhh music to a redneck's ears! (Not that I'm a redneck, cuse I'm not i swear!) A few of my friends have really gotten me into it, weird i know. Some of these pictures are actually them pulling. And the third picture is a shot from the demolition derby, another one of my guilty pleasures. I encourage all you non-Vermonters to get out and experience some of these crazy activities! And did I mention all the crazy people that are there as well...

Kanye West: The "Voice" of Our Generation
Posted by
Josh Hammond
on Sunday, September 20, 2009
kanye west,
patrick swayze
Comments: (2)
Ok, I know that most of us are sick and tired of talking about Kanye, but there has to be one last acknowledgement of the funnies being generated. This is a perfect example of how no press is the only form of bad press. While there has been significant backlash against Kanye, his album sales are up this week, so technically the jokes on us. Ch Ch Check out some of the best (and more than often, distasteful) jokes involving this narcissistic idiot.

Also, there is audio footage of our president commenting on the situation. Obama states, “I thought that was really inappropriate,” adding, “He’s a jackass.”
I'm glad we have a president so passionate about the arts! (sarcasm)
I'm glad we have a president so passionate about the arts! (sarcasm)
These Dramatics Are Enough to Make Shakespeare Roll in His Grave
Posted by
Josh Hammond
Comments: (3)
Everyone's been through a painful breakup. After a serious relationship ends, both people involved accept the grieving process in different ways. Some may pity themselves while others express their dismay by lashing out at others unnecessarily. The ultimate, and most vicious, form or grieving is through vengeance. Below is a video by a man, recently separated from his girlfriend. The title "A Dramatic Reading of a Break-Up Letter" speaks for itself. Watch as this guy insults his girlfriend's intelligence simply by exaggerating her pathetic attempts at insults.
The Bright and Shining Future of America.
Posted by
Josh Hammond
on Tuesday, September 15, 2009
daytime tv,
jerry springer,
Comments: (2)
I have a confession to make. Every time I've stayed home sick from school I partake in a despicable pastime. Laying in a Nyquil-induced coma on the couch, I am forced to watch the pathetic excuse of entertainment that is daytime television. I won't watch Soap Operas or listen to Tyra Banks explain to me why I should always get a high-class weave. However, I am obsessed with out-of-control talk shows like Maury and Jerry Springer. Show titles like Who's My Baby's Daddy, Irrational Phobias and I Was Ugly...Now I'm Hot grab my attention faster than Maury can say "you ARE the father". Despite the seemingly compassionate attitude of Maury Povich toward his guests, The Maury Show is often accused by critics of exploiting dysfunctional families, minorities, and the poor, and for embracing and sensationalizing some of the worst stereotypes of American society and behavior.
Check out this ridiculous clip from one of Maury's "Out-of-Control Children" shows. It's a bit hard to believe this as credible, but you can say a little prayer before you watch it, if it makes you feel any better.
If you thought this first clip was hilarious, watch the remix below. It's so catchy, by the end of it you'll be singing, "If I can't afford my baby, I guess I'm gonna sell it"!
Check out this ridiculous clip from one of Maury's "Out-of-Control Children" shows. It's a bit hard to believe this as credible, but you can say a little prayer before you watch it, if it makes you feel any better.
If you thought this first clip was hilarious, watch the remix below. It's so catchy, by the end of it you'll be singing, "If I can't afford my baby, I guess I'm gonna sell it"!
He's a Very Handsome Woman.
Posted by
Josh Hammond
Comments: (2)
The other day my friend Eliza showed me the most ridiculous website. It's called and it's about....well, men who look like old lesbians. Before anyone starts hating, this link is simply for comedic value. I fully support the LGBT community. Plus, Eliza supports this blog post with her supreme lesbian wisdom. Ch Ch Check it out.
Adorable, yet creepy.
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on Sunday, September 13, 2009
Comments: (2)
Anne Geddes, a, australian born photographer who calls herself a "baby freak." The woman has an amazing eye for photography. Her creativity, originality, and photo-editing skills are one of a kind. But is there a limit to these characteristics? Is it possible to cross the line and enter into the characteristics known as creepy and weird? Take a look for yourself...

There is no denying that the babies in these photos are adorable. Anne is really able to capture their personalities. But there is also no denying that these pictures are incredibly creepy.
Two Interesting Music Concepts.
Posted by
Josh Hammond
on Thursday, September 10, 2009
First, check out Start out by playing a few videos, then play other videos whenever you feel like it to create a unique sound. No matter what time you start a new video, a melody always emerges. Ch Ch Check it out.
Secondly, watch this youtube video created by Jarbas Agnelli. He explains that while "reading a newspaper, I saw a picture of birds on the electric wires. I cut out the photo and decided to make a song, using the exact location of the birds as notes (no Photoshop edit). I knew it wasn't the most original idea in the universe. I was just curious to hear what melody the birds were creating."
Below is the short video made with the photo, the music and the score (composed by the birds).
Secondly, watch this youtube video created by Jarbas Agnelli. He explains that while "reading a newspaper, I saw a picture of birds on the electric wires. I cut out the photo and decided to make a song, using the exact location of the birds as notes (no Photoshop edit). I knew it wasn't the most original idea in the universe. I was just curious to hear what melody the birds were creating."
Below is the short video made with the photo, the music and the score (composed by the birds).
Kids These Days...
Posted by
Josh Hammond
Adventure Time,
Cartoon Network,
Comments: (2)
I'm sure all of us have painfully sat through some nauseatingly boring program while babysitting a sibling, a cousin, or some random kid you stole from the park.
A Youtube video titled "Adventure Time" borders the line of being one of those idiotic shows you're forced to sit through. Surprisingly, it's enjoyable in a weird way. The ever trustworthy source of pointless information that is Wikipedia explains that "Adventure Time focuses on the strange adventures undertaken by two close friends: Finn (a kid with a strange white hat) and Jake (a wise dog with magical powers) that dwell in the Land of Ooo". If that isn't nonsensical enough the series includes many silly or mathematical outbursts, such as "Rhombus!" and "Algebraic!"
Apparently, execs over at Cartoon Network are so gun-ho on the short clip that it has been greenlighted for a series on the channel is slated for an early 2010 premiere.
Children, stoners, and fans of odd humor prepare yourself for the random, nonsensical, colorful, fun and strange "Adventure Time".
This is Why You're Fat.
Posted by
Josh Hammond
on Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Comments: (2)
The nutritional contradictions of capitalism, where the ability to consume is the ultimate goal, has led to Super-size meals at McDonald's and a staggering obesity epidemic.
Numbers posted by the National Center for Health Statistics show that more than 34 percent of Americans are obese, compared to 32.7 percent who are overweight. It said just under 6 percent are "extremely" obese.
Is anyone shocked by these statistics? We live in a deep-fried, candy-coated society covered in sprinkles and chocolate syrup. Check out You'll be amazed and probably repulsed by many of the disgusting things some people consider "food".
You Life Could Be Worse.
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Ever see a video and think to yourself, I am so happy that is not me. As you watch the videos below, please note that the typical human will always have the same reaction. You watch, waiting for something to happen. Your jaw drops, this soon transforms to laughter. You hit the play button, to observe the pain again. Mark where the climax of the fall is, and repeatedly replay it. Enjoy the following and remember, your life could be worse.
Well that's awkward
Posted by
Josh Hammond
on Tuesday, September 8, 2009
awkward family photots,
family photos,
Comments: (1)
Ever look back on a picture of yourself 5 years ago and wonder what the hell you were thinking? Your haircut is ridiculous, your clothes severely out-dated, and the forced smile on your face is fooling no one. serves as an online scrapbook of shameless internet users and their gawky photo-ops.
It all started over lunch. Childhood friends Mike and Doug were swapping typically cringe-worthy stories about their relatives when it dawned on them: there's something universal about the awkwardness of family. In an interview with TIME magazine, Mike recalled thinking, "What better way to show that than through the family photo, something everyone can relate to." So the men trekked back to Mike's house and began Googling in earnest. "Doug found the one with the family on the tree. That was it," Mike wrote in an e-mail from his Los Angeles abode. "It was so beautifully awkward ... That was the moment we realized there might be something here."
Check out a few of my personal favorite photos below!
When you're madly head-over-heels in love, why not shout it from the rooftops???

A reminder to all of us that if you're holding a monkey, you must own it.
This father was so relieved when he found out he was going to be Eeyore.
It all started over lunch. Childhood friends Mike and Doug were swapping typically cringe-worthy stories about their relatives when it dawned on them: there's something universal about the awkwardness of family. In an interview with TIME magazine, Mike recalled thinking, "What better way to show that than through the family photo, something everyone can relate to." So the men trekked back to Mike's house and began Googling in earnest. "Doug found the one with the family on the tree. That was it," Mike wrote in an e-mail from his Los Angeles abode. "It was so beautifully awkward ... That was the moment we realized there might be something here."
Check out a few of my personal favorite photos below!
A reminder to all of us that if you're holding a monkey, you must own it.
Chatting with strangers online is always a fun and safe idea!
Posted by
Josh Hammond
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In a world where parents worry about their children's 5-minute walk home from the school bus in their quiet suburban neighborhood, there emerges a frightening concept: talking to strangers online. provides an outlet for strangers to anonymously chat with other strangers. You never know if you'll end up being offered drugs from Canada or having an hour long discussion with a 50-year-old from Brazil about life. Omegle is the ultimate time waster. It's funny, ridiculous, awkward, frightening, but always entertaining. An Internet safety blog reviewed Omegle and the author cited that "on my first chat I was offered Crack and then cursed at with plenty of F’s showing up". No need to feel nervous though, whenever you feel uncomfortable or just plain bored with the conversation, you can click the "DISCONNECT" button in the corner and start a new conversation.
Still, there's something mildly compelling about Omegle. If you have sensitive sensibilities, you're probably best to steer clear until some level of control is exerted over user behavior, but if you're immune to the ugliest your online brethren have to offer, have at it. Ch-Ch-Check it out.
The Voice of an Angel
Posted by
Josh Hammond
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Out of every decade emerges a new voice. James Brown dominated in the 1950's. The 60's had Aretha Fraklin and Bob Dylan. Freddie Mercury of Queen lead the pack in the 80's with his dramatic and soaring vocals. The 90's introduced us to the angry voice of Alanis Morissette. In our current decade, we've seen the use of computer and distortion effects take over the music industry. Nowadays, anyone can have perfect pitch with the right technology.
Then there's this girl. She shines without even trying. Like a gift from God, she blesses us with her beautiful gift of song.
Then there's this girl. She shines without even trying. Like a gift from God, she blesses us with her beautiful gift of song.
pick up your feet! ...or don't.
Posted by
on Monday, September 7, 2009
Comments: (0)
Drag Your Feet, something we all have done many times in our lives as college kids. Finally we are away from the primary naggers in our lives and can really be lazy without being bothered. We, M, M & J, are here to provide you with an avenue to wander down when you need a good distraction. The purpose of this blog is to entertain you. And if we don't succeed in doing that, we want to know what we can do to make our blog better for you!
Until next time,
M, M & J
Drum roll please...!!!
Posted by
on Thursday, September 3, 2009
Digital Composing,
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Hello readers!
This is our first post with many more to come! In this blog we will share eclectic, and entertaining things pertaining to the randomness of the internet and community. Come visit us when you don't feel like doing the 50 pages of History reading for tomorrow, or writing that eight page English paper and drag your feet!
M, M and J.