Anne Geddes, a, australian born photographer who calls herself a "baby freak." The woman has an amazing eye for photography. Her creativity, originality, and photo-editing skills are one of a kind. But is there a limit to these characteristics? Is it possible to cross the line and enter into the characteristics known as creepy and weird? Take a look for yourself...

There is no denying that the babies in these photos are adorable. Anne is really able to capture their personalities. But there is also no denying that these pictures are incredibly creepy.
I've always been so creeped out by Anne Geddes. I worked in a Hallmark store all through high school (most boring job ever) and we had a whole aisle dedicated to the creepy-ness. Women would come in and literally scream "SOOO CUUUUTE!" That pushed the creep factor over the top.
I hope shes sterile... VERY sterile...
I've always been so creeped out by Anne Geddes. I worked in a Hallmark store all through high school (most boring job ever) and we had a whole aisle dedicated to the creepy-ness. Women would come in and literally scream "SOOO CUUUUTE!" That pushed the creep factor over the top.
I hope shes sterile... VERY sterile...
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