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Piano Stairs?

If you have not noticed America is obese.
We lead the world in number of obese citizens.
There is even an organization for the obese society,
and a conference was held this past year.
To help this cause, these piano stairs have started
to pop up everywhere in hopes to increase stair use.
Taking the stairs for a total of just two minutes,
five days a week, gives you the same calorie-burning
results as a 20-minute walk. Burns 100-140.


-Let’s face it; we all have seen the people who obviously don’t have mirrors and/or family and friends to lock them in a basement, and they all seem to congregate at Walmart. It’s not everywhere that you can shop for milk at 10 a.m. next to a 400lb mother of 6 wearing a pink tube top, leopard tights, and hooker heels. Where else can one go to pick up underwear at 3 O’clock in the afternoon and spot the greatest mullet of all time paired with a mustard stained wife beater (which only accents the extreme amount of body hair) and camo pants that were actually used in Vietnam. And if you haven’t run into the 6’2” beast with a shaved head, rockin a wonder bra, flannel cutoff shirt, and jean shorts at 2 a.m. when you’re there to pick up frozen pizza, chips, and cookies, then you can get the f*ck out right now.

-Ch Ch Check out I personally have nothing against Walmart. I, along with most of America, shop at Walmart for nearly everything we need. This site is simply a satirical social commentary of the extraordinary sights found at America’s favorite store. The website also justifies its outrageous photos in a fairly articulate and respectable manner. 'We are trying to have some fun here and there is a difference between someone who is mentally challenged and a person who has a fu Manchu and is still rocking MC Hammer pants". Walmart is Americana baby, ENJOY IT!
Here are a few personal favorites...

If Procrastination had a God, This Would Be It.

StumbleUpon is an Internet community that allows its users to discover and rate Web pages, photos, and videos. It is a personalized recommendation engine which uses peer and social-networking principles. In simpler terms, it kicks ass. So stop reading this and start Stumblin'.

My Hat and Glasses

This kid has been all over Michigan campus, primarily michigan state, central michigan, and western michigan. His main goal: get as many people as he can to take a picture with his hat and his glasses. The group was started April 25th and it just for fun and totally random. As of today he is at 3,560 pictures, all of them mainly of intoxicated students at house parties or tailgates. I found two of my friends while clicking through the pictures, it was weird but hilarious. Check them out for yourself.. My Hat and Glasses

Controversial Photographer, Sally Mann

The following was called Candy Cigarettes, please note that this is note a real cigarette in her child's hand.

The following photos were all taken by Sally Mann, and they are all of her children. Sally Mann adjusted exposure so that all of her photos were black and white. Also, another interesting fact about the photographer is that she uses a 5x7 camera that used to be her fathers. I am still debating how I feel about these and they have been quite a controversial topic over the years. Critics are uneasy about these photographs as well, however, Mann states that the photos seem natural through the eyes of a mother, and that she has seen her children in every state. Feel free to leave comments on your opinion... does Mann cross the line, or is this art?

The Downfall of Intelligence

Liu Bolin: The Invisible Man

Liu Bolin, from Shandong, China, manages to camouflage himself in any surroundings, no matter how difficult they might be.

Liu works on a single photo for up to 10 hours at a time, to make sure he gets it just right, but he achieves the right effect: sometimes passers-by don’t even realize he is there until he moves.

Bolin says his art is a protest against the actions of the Government, who shut down his art studio in 2005 and persecutes artists. It’s about not fitting into modern society. Despite problems with Chinese authorities, Liu’s works are appreciated at an international level. Basically, he's a total badass.

The last one is particularly epic.

Bathroom Pranks

I can openly admit that I love pulling innocent public bathroom pranks. Number one, public bathrooms are just awkward in general and number two, you most likely will never see those people again so who cares what they think of you. Heres a few of my favorites...

1.Lights Out
After someone has gone into a public restroom and sat down on the toilet in a stall, turn off all the lights and walk out of there.
-Its easy, effective, and has a quick escape

2.Out of Order Stall
Write "Out Of Order" on a sticker note or piece of paper and tape it to the outside of a bathroom stall. Some people will think there is something wrong with the toilet and avoid using it.
-Just for pure humor.

3. The Cell Phone
Sit in a stall and wait for someone to enter the bathroom. You are going to act as though you are on your cell phone. Wait for them to get situated in their stall. Strike up a conversation by saying hey. Ask them what they are up to, from their keep the conversation going with the question how was your day. After about 30 seconds of conversation you simply say "Sorry can you hold on a minute, the idiot in the stall next to me thinks I'm talking to him/her" then proceed as though you are talking on your cell phone.
-They feel like an idiot, you get a great laugh.

4.Under The Stall Tug
Wait until your victim goes into a public restroom stall. As soon as he sits on toilet and starts his business, go underneath the stall and start tugging on his pants. If you can try to take his shoes off.
-I have done this to people I know, however doing it to a stranger.. eh not so sure

Dove Campaign For Real Beauty

Over the past 5 years Dove has recently launched a campaign called the campaign for real beauty that celebrates natural women and their real beauty. The women that are advertised in these campaigns resemble the average woman. They are not 5'10" weighing in at 115 pounds, because lets get serious, no one naturally looks like that. Men, I'm sorry this probably isn't very interesting for you. But this is a serious problem that our generation and the generation below is is facing. You see women in these advertisements who look perfect, well the truth is, that perfection is fake and near impossible. Check out this video, men you might find this interesting as well...

Hilarious Headlines

I less often than I should, read the news paper. And when I do pick it up to read, I usually only skim over articles. The only way that will get me to actually consider reading the whole thing, is if the title catches my eye. Below are some article headlines that are unintentionally humorous (and for the record, these titles would make me want to read on):

Many Antiques At Senior Citizens' Sale

Goldfish Is Saved From Drowning

Thieves Steal Burglar Alarm

Robber's Description: Man, Possibly A Woman, Definitely Ugly

Voluntary Workers Strike For Higher Pay

Police Begin Campaign to Run Down Jaywalkers

...and the list goes on and on. For more Hilarious Headlines click here and I promise you will waste plenty of time.

See, This is Why You Shouldn't Play World of Warcraft...

Back at my home in Massachusetts, I guarantee you my brother is playing World of Warcraft. He plays at all day, all night. Basically, every waking moment of his life.

In the video below, a boy's mother deletes his World of Warcraft account. The boy's reaction is absolutely hysterical. His little brother sets up a video camera to record his reaction. I like to think if I was in the same situation, I would be clever enough to do the same thing. This video is indescribably wierd, but SO FUNNY.

How Many of Me?

There are 44,481 people named John Smith in the United States. There are 967 people named James Bond, 102 people named Harry Potter , 433 people named George Bush, and 31 people named Emily Dickinson. However, Johnny Cash (32 people) songs aside there are, statistically speaking, very few boys named Sue.

What about you? How many people share your name? Enter it HERE and find out how many of you there are.

This Art Is Cah-Razy

Who doesn't love weird art? This table by John Nouanesing stands on its own very creepily. The dripping blood masks, or actually are, the table legs. He named the table "Paint or Die, But Love Me". Here are some of my other favorite odd pieces I recently stumbled upon.

If you don't think about how gross this concept is, it's actually pretty cool. Check out more HERE

Who'da thunk that watermelon could be a medium of art. More watermelon art HERE

Pregnancy Art. NO JOKE. More HERE.

From paper to reality- more HERE

Hipster (def.): Someone who is so noncomformist that they are just like the rest of the people that are noncomformists

When we were given the task of thinking of a topic for our manifestos, I played around with a few ideas. Somehow, I decided writing about hipsters. My friend Ben showed me the most epic website ever to jog my memory on the topic: The acronym stands for (L)ook (At) (T)his (F)*cking (H)ipster. So put on your V-Neck T-shirt, crank up some Animal Collective and bask in all your hipster glory...Beware though, this post is so unoriginal and mainstream.

"It's Really Difficult to Open Mayoniase When Your Fingers are Covered in Your Own Blood"

We've all seen those dreaded informercials. The bright camera lights shine on the obnoxiously clean, fully equiped studio kitchen. Cheeky hosts greet viewers with permanent smiles. Check out this MADTV skit parodying these commercials....except in this situation the "three-minute meal" turns into an epic distaster.

Texts From Last Night

If you're over the age of thirty and/or have been living under a rock for the past 6 months, than you probably have not heard of the website The texts are sent in by people who wake in the morning "to find regrettable messages sent to or from their cell phones". The receiver then sends the discovered text into the website. The copies of the messages do not show the phone numbers, but only area codes. The texts are often sexual, random, and/or involve drug use. While TFLN has many "blackout drinking, sex, and vomit stories", there is also an extended discussion taking place about morality. The texts show how humans "interact with drugs and alcohol". "We see the cause and effect of last night’s party, and we can see a real-time weighing of these actions." However, there is concern that peoples' actions and texts will be affected by the existence of the website. But rather than overanalyze it, just enjoy the sheer ridiculousness of the site.

A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words

It is very rare for a man to see faces of Afghan girls mainly because they are well-covered, Thus photographer Steve McCurry seized the opportunity when she showed her face for a few moments.

Pictures capture moments of life that are worth remembering. By having a snapshot of a moment in life, a whole list of memories surrounding the situation can be jogged. Ch Ch Check out The site contains images and descriptions of significant moments in the history of the human race. The pictures vary from the dark times of starving children in South Africa to the joyous moment where Nelson Mandela was let free from his imprisonment. Whether the image is depressing or happy, the emotions as a result are undeniable powerful.

drag your feet, while wearing t-way customs.

Tyler Way, a kid from my small hometown, who has made it big. His designs are like nothing you've seen before, completely custom and extremely expensive. But still its nice to look and be astonished by what he is able to do with a pair of sneakers.

These sneakers, made for Lebron James for his 2008-2009 MVP season

To check out more of T Ways custom shoes check his website at:

I promise it will be worth it for you sneakerheads.

Looking to Drag your Feet?

Looking to drag your feet? The Never Ending Level Game has provided me with hours and hours of procrastinating, addiction, frustration and success. Weird combination, right? Check it out for yourself

Note: all answers can be found on a fellow bloggers website:

Moving Essay Final

My Final Moving Essay, enjoy as you watch, the evolution of sneakers.

ps. my voice-over isn't loud enough, sorrryy

Looking for some inspiration?

Failure sucks, we can all admit to that. But what you do with the failure is what matters and what will separate you from the rest. The following is a video clip, one that I live my life by. "If you haven't failed, you haven't lived."

Google needs to get its mind out of the gutter...

I always find it amusing what Google can come up with as it trys to complete my search with the most popular answer. Here are a few that I was shocked about and some that I found hilarious.

I type in "How to", the top 4 searches include to tie a tie to kiss to get pregnant to lose weight

I type in "How do you," the top 3 searches include to know you know if a guy likes you do you know if a girl likes you do you get pregnant
and my favorite, 4. how do you solve a problem like maria.

I type in "100 ways," the top searches include
1. 100 ways to die
2.100 ways to say i love you
3.100 ways to annoy people
4.100 ways to get kicked out of walmart.

The Classics.

Everybody has a youtube video that they always e-mail their friends, or just watch when they are feeling down. I introduce to you Bon Qui Qui, my classic you tube video that never seems to fail me.