Now everyone knows UVM is pegged as a stoner school.... and rightfully so. I won't go into detail about the countless times I've passed by a group that reeks of the (ahem) illegal substance. Check out, a website devoted to sharing some of the most brilliant deductions made by people "under the influence".
Here are some personal favorites:
"a gateway drug, but if you switch the A and the E, you get a get-away drug"
"If you say 'beer can' in a British accent, you're saying 'bacon' in a Jamaican accent....mind officially blown."
"How Do You Jump Up AND Down??? You Can Jump UP Or Jump DOWN. You Cant Jump Up And Down."
"okay before we ever excited, we technically were little sperm right? it was us, and all of the other sperm cells competing to get the the egg first, and whoever did was created into a human being and the other sperms died off. so technically we are all the winning sperms! WE ARE ALL WINNERS!"
haha my favorite highdea was not so much an idea but more of a list of bad things including: acid filled gummy bears, an apple filled with razor blades, a time-bomb sandwich, magma smoothie, bee-cereal, barbed-wire floss
haha my favorite highdea was not so much an idea but more of a list of bad things including: acid filled gummy bears, an apple filled with razor blades, a time-bomb sandwich, magma smoothie, bee-cereal, barbed-wire floss
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