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Controversial Photographer, Sally Mann

The following was called Candy Cigarettes, please note that this is note a real cigarette in her child's hand.

The following photos were all taken by Sally Mann, and they are all of her children. Sally Mann adjusted exposure so that all of her photos were black and white. Also, another interesting fact about the photographer is that she uses a 5x7 camera that used to be her fathers. I am still debating how I feel about these and they have been quite a controversial topic over the years. Critics are uneasy about these photographs as well, however, Mann states that the photos seem natural through the eyes of a mother, and that she has seen her children in every state. Feel free to leave comments on your opinion... does Mann cross the line, or is this art?


Derek said...

whoa... this is pretty heavy. This reminds me of the story of the guy that gave cigarettes to the 3-year old. I dunno... I think shes crossing a line here. Unless she had a really long discussion with the kids, shes sort-of glorifying cigarettes and sex to them. Not OK for me.

Lori said...

Many parents have gone to jail for taking innocent pictures of their children in the bath tub or a backyard pool. I feel that Sally Mann crosses the line.

Joni said...

I'm guessing the previous posters will not be able to read this one but that is a candy cigarette, as it states. Also, they are topless, they are not having sex. I'm not really sure what line she crossed.

Derek said...

whoa... this is pretty heavy. This reminds me of the story of the guy that gave cigarettes to the 3-year old. I dunno... I think shes crossing a line here. Unless she had a really long discussion with the kids, shes sort-of glorifying cigarettes and sex to them. Not OK for me.

Lori said...

Many parents have gone to jail for taking innocent pictures of their children in the bath tub or a backyard pool. I feel that Sally Mann crosses the line.

Joni said...

I'm guessing the previous posters will not be able to read this one but that is a candy cigarette, as it states. Also, they are topless, they are not having sex. I'm not really sure what line she crossed.