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Advertising DOs and DON'Ts

Before becoming an English Major, I was a business major. I was and still am very interested the ideas behind advertising and marketing for various products. In marketing classes that I took, it fascinated me about how much thought is put into creating an ad, whether it be on TV, in the newspaper or in a magazine, and on the internet. This advertising web site gives an interesting insight about strategies that people in marketing departments think about and use when they are trying to sell their product. Boy they will do just about anything!


Tristen Adams said...

I too am extremely interested in the marketing/advertisement side of things. The whole concept is completely fascinating.

Chad Lebowski said...

I three am interested in Business from a Business point of view. And there is no way to run a good business without a good way to grapple the people. I heard a stellar quote once.

"Keep your enemies close, keep your customers closer."
-Chad Lebowski

Tristen Adams said...

I too am extremely interested in the marketing/advertisement side of things. The whole concept is completely fascinating.

Chad Lebowski said...

I three am interested in Business from a Business point of view. And there is no way to run a good business without a good way to grapple the people. I heard a stellar quote once.

"Keep your enemies close, keep your customers closer."
-Chad Lebowski