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Dove Campaign For Real Beauty

Over the past 5 years Dove has recently launched a campaign called the campaign for real beauty that celebrates natural women and their real beauty. The women that are advertised in these campaigns resemble the average woman. They are not 5'10" weighing in at 115 pounds, because lets get serious, no one naturally looks like that. Men, I'm sorry this probably isn't very interesting for you. But this is a serious problem that our generation and the generation below is is facing. You see women in these advertisements who look perfect, well the truth is, that perfection is fake and near impossible. Check out this video, men you might find this interesting as well...


Lizzy said...

The video doesn't work! :( I really love this video too, the only thing I can't behind is the fact that Dove and Axe are owned by the same company, Unilever.

elsa said...

i've seen this before & think it's brilliant. the photoshop/magazine/advertising industries are sooo f'ed up.

& whoa: dove and axe are owned by the same company?! loooove capitalism.

Lizzy said...

Yep. I hate thinking about the fact that this video, which I think everyone should see, is made by the same asshole company responsible for all those terrible Axe commercials. It makes my brain hurt.

Lizzy said...

The video doesn't work! :( I really love this video too, the only thing I can't behind is the fact that Dove and Axe are owned by the same company, Unilever.

elsa said...

i've seen this before & think it's brilliant. the photoshop/magazine/advertising industries are sooo f'ed up.

& whoa: dove and axe are owned by the same company?! loooove capitalism.

Lizzy said...

Yep. I hate thinking about the fact that this video, which I think everyone should see, is made by the same asshole company responsible for all those terrible Axe commercials. It makes my brain hurt.