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Mock Elections Come True

Funny how my Senior Mock Elections are true, here are the status's of the winners..

RJ: { ! } Bitch Ugh Its 2 Early 4 You 2 Even Be Talking 2 Me. Fuck On ' { ! }

-Most Dramatic

BM: has class ALL day then library ALL night. Almost done with one semester. 17 days until relaxation. Oh wait, nevermind, I will be working.

-Biggest Complainer

MS: 150$ and 3 months probation! yep, I'm thinkin' magistrate millmore was lovin' me today :)

-Most Likely to be on Real World

GC: At the salon from 12-5. :)

-Best Hair

TR: Proud To Spartan. They had to make it interesting in the end like they always do but a victory over michigan is a victory over michigan no matter how you draw it up. GO GREEN
-Most Athletic

SH: Happy thanksgiving!! :D
-Mrs. Congeniality


Lindsey said...

that's crazy! it makes me want to go open up my yearbook and see who says what..

Lindsey said...

that's crazy! it makes me want to go open up my yearbook and see who says what..