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The Bright and Shining Future of America.

I have a confession to make. Every time I've stayed home sick from school I partake in a despicable pastime. Laying in a Nyquil-induced coma on the couch, I am forced to watch the pathetic excuse of entertainment that is daytime television. I won't watch Soap Operas or listen to Tyra Banks explain to me why I should always get a high-class weave. However, I am obsessed with out-of-control talk shows like Maury and Jerry Springer. Show titles like Who's My Baby's Daddy, Irrational Phobias and I Was Ugly...Now I'm Hot grab my attention faster than Maury can say "you ARE the father". Despite the seemingly compassionate attitude of Maury Povich toward his guests, The Maury Show is often accused by critics of exploiting dysfunctional families, minorities, and the poor, and for embracing and sensationalizing some of the worst stereotypes of American society and behavior.

Check out this ridiculous clip from one of Maury's "Out-of-Control Children" shows. It's a bit hard to believe this as credible, but you can say a little prayer before you watch it, if it makes you feel any better.

If you thought this first clip was hilarious, watch the remix below. It's so catchy, by the end of it you'll be singing, "If I can't afford my baby, I guess I'm gonna sell it"!


JohnG said...

Her voice is like nails on a chalkboard.... And she isn't even that good looking... the only one that would do her would be Hellen Keller in senses...

laurax said...

check this out--


JohnG said...

Her voice is like nails on a chalkboard.... And she isn't even that good looking... the only one that would do her would be Hellen Keller in senses...

laurax said...

check this out--
