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Can You Believe We Live in this State...

Ch Ch Check out for, you guessed it, DUMB LAWS.
Here are some ridiculous and true laws from the past and present for the good ol' state of Vermont that we call home.

-Women must obtain written permission from their husbands to wear false teeth.
-At one time it was illegal to tie a giraffe to a telephone pole.
-It is illegal to deny the existence of God.

Also, in city laws, all citizens must bath every Saturday night in Barre, VT.

Click on your home state to find more crazy laws!


Taylor D. said...

I always wonder if these are true or not. I DO know for a fact that it is illegal to throw snowballs within the city limits of Montpelier. A cop got on my case once, so I walked into city hall and asked them (mockingly) to print me off a copy of the law that says no throwing snowballs. They said okay and printed it right off! I couldn't believe it.

Taylor D. said...

I always wonder if these are true or not. I DO know for a fact that it is illegal to throw snowballs within the city limits of Montpelier. A cop got on my case once, so I walked into city hall and asked them (mockingly) to print me off a copy of the law that says no throwing snowballs. They said okay and printed it right off! I couldn't believe it.