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Well that's awkward

Ever look back on a picture of yourself 5 years ago and wonder what the hell you were thinking? Your haircut is ridiculous, your clothes severely out-dated, and the forced smile on your face is fooling no one. serves as an online scrapbook of shameless internet users and their gawky photo-ops.
It all started over lunch. Childhood friends Mike and Doug were swapping typically cringe-worthy stories about their relatives when it dawned on them: there's something universal about the awkwardness of family. In an interview with TIME magazine, Mike recalled thinking, "What better way to show that than through the family photo, something everyone can relate to." So the men trekked back to Mike's house and began Googling in earnest. "Doug found the one with the family on the tree. That was it," Mike wrote in an e-mail from his Los Angeles abode. "It was so beautifully awkward ... That was the moment we realized there might be something here."
Check out a few of my personal favorite photos below!

When you're madly head-over-heels in love, why not shout it from the rooftops???

A reminder to all of us that if you're holding a monkey, you must own it.

This father was so relieved when he found out he was going to be Eeyore.


Alaina said...

Hahahaha. this is so wierd. I just tried it. I feel like a creeper

Alaina said...

Hahahaha. this is so wierd. I just tried it. I feel like a creeper