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So Bad, They're Good: Worst Music Videos Ever

I was skimming through channels the other day and I came across MTVU, a music video channel. While my musical preferences aren't usually aligned with the Gods of MTV, I came across a particularly terrible music video. The name and band slipped my mind, but seriously, some of the things that people consider avant garde nowadays are completely idiotic. Anyways, enough of my ranting. The music video made me wonder about other terrible concepts for videos. After a quick Google search of "worst music video ever", I stumbled upon this gem and I was NOT disappointed. The music is hokey, the clothes are hilarious, and the graphics are ridiculously dated. The dancing is pretty fly though. Beyonce and her single ladies better watch their backs. Ch Ch Check it out

Here are few of my personally favorite TERRIBLE music videos as well...
David Bowie and Mick Jagger- Dancing in the Streets
-At one point they sing face to face. You'd have to cut through all the sexual tension in that scene with a chainsaw. Also, nice Reebok aerobic shoes, Mick.

Heidi Montag- Higher
-Heidi Montag is the star of an MTV reality show. She's got plenty of cash. There is no reason this video should be as horrid as it is. Anyone reading this could recreate this video using a moderately hot chick and a Rent-A-Center video camera. Once you have that in place, just read the video camera instruction manual up to the "make people look like they're moving all herky-jerky like the monsters in The Grudge" section and your job is done. What a naturally beautiful voice she has!

Jan Terri- Losing You
Jan worked as a limo driver in Chicago and would give copies of the videos to her clients in an attempt to drum up interest in her fledgling singing career. A copy of the video eventually made its way to rocker Marilyn Manson, who was intrigued. He had Terri perform at one of his parties, and was impressed enough with her sincerity to allow her to open for one of his concerts. She actually makes better music than Manson sadly.


Tristen Adams said...

Hahaha, love the commentary. Job well done, these are pretty ridiculous.

Katie Inglese said...

Heidi Montag is a "singer"? Since when?! Good video finds, very entertaining!

James said...

David Bowie is a god in silver spandex, or frills and ruffles, or a suit, or in any of his other personas!

Tristen Adams said...

Hahaha, love the commentary. Job well done, these are pretty ridiculous.

Katie Inglese said...

Heidi Montag is a "singer"? Since when?! Good video finds, very entertaining!

James said...

David Bowie is a god in silver spandex, or frills and ruffles, or a suit, or in any of his other personas!